Welcome to the FuLink Grants Program, where innovation meets opportunity. This program invites cryptography enthusiasts, data privacy encryption track developers, and all Web3 developers to explore the power of FuLink's solution and user-friendly FuLink Agent API/SDK interface.
By showcasing cutting-edge technology, the grants program aims to foster collaboration, bring experts together, and contribute to the vibrant FuLink ecosystem. Join us in shaping the future of privacy-preserving decentralized applications (DApps).
Each category we support presents a unique opportunity to contribute to the FuLink ecosystem, and we look forward to innovative submissions in these areas. Good luck!
DApp Integration with
FuLink Agent SDK
Develop DApps that seamlessly integrate with the FuLink Agent SDK. Showcase innovative use cases and functionalities that leverage the capabilities of the FuLink Agent for enhanced privacy and security.
DApp Integration with FuLink SDK
Create DApps that utilize the FuLink SDK for fundamental operations, keeping all functions within the DApp. Demonstrate how developers can harness FuLink's technology to build data privacy-preserving applications with advanced cryptographic techniques.
DApp Integration with FuLink Snaps
Develop DApps that integrate with FuLink Snaps. Showcase the integration of FuLink Snaps with existing applications for improved privacy and data security.
Improvement of FuLink System
Propose enhancements and optimizations to the FuLink system. This category focuses on improvements at the system level, including but not limited to security enhancements, performance optimizations, and overall system robustness. Your contributions should elevate the FuLink network's capabilities and user experience.